Sunday, November 17, 2013

Why do people believe they are protected by guardian angels?

A report by Baylor University's Institute for Studies of Religion, cited by ABC News, says that more than half of adult Americans believe they have been protected by a guardian angel.  Do the people who believe in guardian angels ever consider what the guardian angels were doing to protect human life when Adam Lanza shot and killed 20 children and 6 adults at Sandy Hook Elementary School in 2012?  Do they consider what the guardian angels were doing when Penn State football coach Jerry Sandusky sexually molested young boys?  What were the guardian angels doing to protect people when Hurricane Katrina killed almost 2000 people in 2005 and Typhoon Haiyan killed about 10,000 in the Philippines and elsewhere in 2013?  Despite these stories and countless other stories of this type, people continue to believe they are protected and guided by guardian angels.  They pay attention to what Doreen Virtue says. She makes money telling people how to contact guardian angels and Ascended Masters in her books, audiobooks, spiritual workshops, etc.  I have provided one of her videos.

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