If pastors cannot conduct their own lives in accordance with the strict sexual morality taught in the New Testament, why do they teach church members to live this way and why do they condemn homosexual acts? The New Testament says that Christians are "new creatures" in Christ and their lives are transformed by being "born again." The promise that your life will be transformed when you are "born again" is at odds with the reality that evangelical ministers behave just like non-religious people. Jimmy Swaggart spent money on a prostitute. His confession of sin has been viewed many times and you can see it below. Evangelical pastors often get divorced despite Christ's condemnation of divorce. They have affairs and sometimes physically abuse their spouses. They watch a lot of online pornography, as noted in the article below. The article cites
a 2001 survey by Leadership Magazine, a trade publication for evangelical pastors, finding that nearly half of pastors admitted viewing online pornography.
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